PUBLIC RELATONS: What to do when you think you’ve nothing to say

MARINA’S BLOG: Maintaining a profile in the boating industry media is not always easy, particularly for those smaller companies that have a single product or long-term project. For them, key events like completing a contract or releasing a new product simply don’t happen that often. Firms supplying the superyacht sector also face a similar problem when secrecy constraints prevent them from banging their own drum.  This apparent lack of anything new or interesting to say can be a big hindrance to anyone looking to maintain their visibility in the marketplace and reassure potential customers that, yes, they are busy and dynamic, and generally good people with whom to do business!

For clients like this we have to look deeper and wider while remembering that factual media output can be divided into two main areas - news and comment. We appreciate that news is going to be thin on the ground, but events like new hires, promotions, investment and new suppliers are well worth announcing, and should not be forgotten. But alongside that put your experience and sector knowledge to work maybe once a month and post through your social networks or submit to a marine publication a short commentary on something outside your organisation that is relevant to your customers and which shows that your finger is on the pulse. It may be emerging technology, new production techniques or changes in customer requirements. Whatever, it’s all good stuff, and shows that you while you may have your head down in the present, you are always looking to the future.


The case for case studies


First Wavelength newsletter of 2025